E-CRM & Email Campaigns.
We build valuable long-term customer relationships through strategic CRM programmes and marketing automation. We develop effective email marketing that builds customer relationships, converts enquiries and drives customer value. We can help you source and set up e-CRM platforms, analyse and segment customer data, develop CRM strategies, and then develop CRM assets. We are HubSpot partners, but we’re also experienced in a variety of other e-CRM and email platforms including Klaviyo, MailChimp, DotDigital and MailJet.

Web Design and Build for Livewest, a Leading Social Housing Provider

Enhancing the Cambrex Website and SEO Optimisation for Improved Engagement

Club 3000 Bingo's Digital Strategy, Rebrand and Launch of Online Gaming Site

App Transforms LEGO Interaction, Merging In-Store, Retail, and Digital Channels

Alpro #Deskfest Integrated Digital, Social Media, and Experiential Marketing

11 Years of Almondsbury’s Integrated Marketing growth

Social Media Strategy and Content for Prodigy

Prodigy's ECRM Program: Fuelling Repeat Sales with Targeted Email Marketing

Enhancing Customer Engagement with Tailored ECRM for Viu

Launching Almondsbury Hand-Picked Loyalty Scheme

Integrated Digital Campaign for The Insurance Emporium